Do you like your classroom now?
Do you feel motivated to be there?
Before you answer those questions, let's see a video about 'Postive Classroom Climate' below
Those questions lead me to think weather I motivated or demotivated in my class now. Actually I really enjoy my classroom environment, because I feel comfortable to follow the learning process in my class. The best reason why I love my class is because my lecturers and my friends are really cooperative in making an agreement about class regulation, make up class schedule, and group for the assignments. I just realized that those kinds of things are part of climate variable, and what is climate variable? In the last session, my friends and I were discussing about climate variable. Based on Weissberg et al ( 2004) climate variables is the important variables that support motivation environment in the classroom and there are four aspects that have to notice by the teacher to make the learners feel motivated in their classroom.
The first is order and safety where the teacher and learners make a deal for the secure feeling in the classroom, and my experience above is one of the example of order and safety variable. The second variable is how to increase the learner s’ self-efficacy or the learners’ confidence about their autonomy competence and this variable called as success. In success variable the teacher tries to maintain learners’ self-efficacy by some ways such as, begin the class with open-ended questions to know learner’s prior knowledge, giving the high quality examples in the learning process, etc. Probably I really common with those kind examples of success because my lecturers often use that way in my learning process ,so how lucky I am.
The third variable is challenge where the teacher able to scaffold the learners to mastery the task. Well, I will illustrate the example case of challenge variables. When the teacher gives the difficult task to the learners and the learners complain to the teacher because of the task is too difficult, the teacher should scaffold the learner to mastery the task and not decrease the difficulty level of the task. This way should be applied by the teacher to motivate the learners reach their goal because if the teacher decreases the difficulties of the task the learners’ competence will stuck and wouldn’t develop.
The last variable to maintain motivation environment in the classroom is task comprehension. At the first time I heard about task comprehension, I thought about the assignments directly probably it happened because my schemata about task. In the other hand, task comprehension here is not only about the assignment and task but also the learners have to aware about the value and responsibility of the task itself, so if I get the task or assignment from my lecturer I will not only completed the task but also understand the value of the task. Well, this is my reflection about climate variables in the classroom. Hopefully by knowing those things I can boost my students’ motivation in the classroom later.
Eggen, P., & Kauchak, D. (2010). Educational Psychology: Windows on Classrooms (8th Ed). New Jersey: Pearson Education International.