Saturday, 7 December 2013

Dealing with Low-Achieving Students

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Do you have students with such behavior in your class?
The low-achievers with low-expectation students.
They are usually sitting on the back and most of the time do not listen to your explanation, even doing something else.
They are also reluctant to take part in question and answer session or even group discussion.
How do you deal with them?
You have given your best effort to attract their attention but do not work.
Probably the illustrated-strategies below can help you deal with low-achieving students.

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Eggen, P., & Kauchak, D. (2010). Educational Psychology: Windows on Classrooms (8th Ed). New Jersey: Pearson Education International.

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Bullying: A Problem that Always Happens in Our School

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Let's watch the video below.

Are you familiar with the phenomena that happen on the video?
It happens quite often in Indonesia, right?
Brawl comes from the smallest thing that adolescences take personally.
Now we are going to discuss about the worst case of bullying that probably will happen among our students.

Reflecting to the time when we were in middle or high school, realize it or not we might be the suspect of victim of bullying in our school. Bullying is the familiar issue in many countries, especially the bullying in school context.  United States, Canada, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, Switzerland, England, Ireland, and Finland are several countries with the high number of school bullying (Ross, 2002; Smith, Morita, Junger-Tas, Olweus, Catalano, & Slee, 1999). Indonesia is also the country that has to deal with bullying issue in the classroom/school. In 2008 there were 1.626 bullying cases happened, and it increased in 2009 into 1.891 cases where 891 cases happened at school (World Vision Indonesia). Bullying does not stop there, because bullying often causes the victims. In 2009, there were 98 physical victims, 108 sexual victims and 176 psychological cases, worst case has caused 210 children and teenagers dies because of bullying.

Talking about bullying, there are many argues deciding what the definition of bullying is. Many researchers use Olweus’s (1993) definition of bullying, which states, ‘‘ . . . a student is being bullied or victimized when he is exposed repeatedly and over time to negative actions on the part of one or more other students’’. Buss (1961) divided bullying into three dimensional models which are : physical-verbal, activepassive and direct-indirect. The three dimensional models are divided into eight different kind of aggressions as it shown in the table below :

Bullying is a serious problem that should be finished and stopped soon. In Indonesia, there is an interesting case. The bullying often happens to new students in orientation session. New students are often forced to do something dangerous, shameful or silly by their seniors. If the new students reject the order, they will get punished, either it is physical or verbal punishment. The ‘ritual’ that happens in new students orientation is like a chain, because it is so hard to be stopped. The victim of the bullying will be a suspect of bullying when they have more power to do so (example : when they become senior). The grudge that the victims had in the past will make them do the same things to their junior or their ‘weaker’ friends. The more serious case even happens so often recently. The students are forced by their seniors or alumni to join the brawl. If they reject the order, the seniors and alumnus will not hesitantly give physical punishment such as stabbing, punching, kicking and shooting. Alawy Yusianto Putra was the victim of brawl that happened in 2012. There are still many victims of brawl that started by the bullying at school.

Any form of bullying and also brawl should be stopped soon. It is important for students to feel safe in their classroom and school. Classroom and school are second home for students where they learn and socialize. As a classroom and school are a home, the members of the classroom must be the members of the family. Home and family should be the place where students feel comfortable and supported in the learning process, because learning does not only deal with academic, but also deal with the social-emotional. Ordered classroom and well managed classroom contribute these feelings of safety (Brophy, 2006b; Watson & Ecken, 2003; Wessler, 2003). Thus, as the “captain” of the classroom, the teacher needs to manage the classroom well in order to make the classroom as comfortable and as safe as home. The role of the teacher is really important here to prevent and also to stop any form of bullying. The safe classroom and school will make students grow to be a better person and more tolerance person.

Eggen, P., & Kauchak, D. (2010). Educational Psychology: Windows on Classrooms (8th Ed). New Jersey: Pearson Education International.